Sunday, 21 August 2016


 In every society there is always an atom of pretence and one must encounter them in their life endeavours. It is bothersome that people who pretend to be saints and messiahs are evil and destructive!
In our nation today, the pretenders and patriots exist...
Indeed there are the pretenders and the  patriots.

Consult a dictionary, it will tell you that "a patriot" is one who loves and defends his country. Considering the state of our dear country Nigeria, the "Patriots" are those who have preserved our democracy, who have regards for " The Rule Of Law" and see the constitution of the federal republic as supreme and basis for Nigeria's existence as a nation. The "Patriots" are those who have made giant strides in the eradication of poverty. The patriots have neoliberal political ideology, when it comes to economic policies they favour free- market policies which support economic liberalism.They have ensured that every Nigerian has access to basic health care services.
The "Patriots" have maintained the principles of federal character.

In a national point of view, the pretenders are those who have strong apathy for democracy yet pronounce themselves democrats. They are  careless to the yearnings of the populace and claim to be socially conservative. They hide their ulterior motives and their pretence is tantamount to destruction. These pretenders see the youths as people who are irrelevant to the Nigerian society. History describes them as those who truncated democracy and impede development, yet they are saints and see themselves as those who do what God desires and are closer to God.
         They see their actions as perfect and they are allergic to public Opinion.
Sincerely speaking, the mindset of the pretenders are immature to rejuvenate the country's economy and tackle economic problems.
Their "Political Ideology" is agrarian in nature,whereas the world is turning into a global village.

Who will salvage Nigeria?

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