Monday, 15 August 2016


The church today celebrates the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blesse Virgin Mary into heaven. This was proclaimed by Pope Pius x11 in the Apostolic Constitution Munificentimus Deus of November 1950.This is a Dogma that ought to be accepted with faith because the Assumption is both a mystery and a fact. Based on the scriptures and the doctrines of the church, God almighty created the Blessed Virgin Mary free from the contamination of original sin (Immaculate Conception), with her son our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. In this case then, her dead body "as assumed", cannot experience the corruption of the termites of this earth to be buried on the ground devoid of the power of resurrection. Thus, if Mary was born with sin, her son our Lord Jesus Christ would have contacted it through her gene or blood after staying for 9months in her womb.But the bible said that our Lord Jesus Christ was like us in everything except sin, and the bible also confirmed that Mary her mother was separated from sin from her mother's womb for it was written, "I will put enmity betwwen you and the woman" (Gen 3;15).So she has nothing to do with sin, because sin is her enemy as ordered by God.
Then, it was possible for Mary to be assumed into heaven because the angel of the Lord pronouncing the message from God said that she was full of grace, and the Lord was with her, and the power of the most high will overshadow her (Luke 1, 26, 28-29), so there was no space left for sin to occupy. The fourth and fifth session of the glorious mysteries of the Holy Rosary reveals about the assumption and the subsequent coronation of the blessed Mary into heaven, which was as well depicted in the scriptures that, "a great sign appeared in heaven, a woman robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars" (Rev.12;1). This is very clear that no other woman on earth can experience and receive this kind of revelation, prestige and great divine honour except the Blessed Virgin Mary. Hence the myth had it that after her death, her body was covered with sweet smelling flowers, and God sent angels again as usual from heaven to bring her body and soul into heaven for her coronation as the queen of heaven and earth.
However, Mary experienced these favours from her creator because she was convince of her virginity and chastity before God and man. Hitherto, in her reply to angel Gabriel she said, "I have no knowledge of Man" (Luke 1;35), and she resigned all her fate to the will of God saying "Let it be done to me according to your will (Luke 1;38). God also favoured her because she was very humble. Even as a confirmed mother of God, she expressed it in her Magnificat that, "God looked at the humility of her servant" (Luke 1;48). Therefore, let us be convinced of our faith, have good and real relationship with God and our neighbours, request for the continued intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary to be qualified to join all generations to call her Blessed.
Rev. Fr Cosmas Edochie

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